Gary Hedge

Gary's Golden Oldies (Wednesday 6pm)

Hi all, Gary here..

I've been involved in local radio for many years but took a break a while back to set up my own little business “The Vintage Audio Co" repairing and servicing vintage audio equipment.

It was while I was repairing a customers Jukebox that I had the brain wave of creating a request show that would be themed like the categories on a jukebox and seeing as my business was now established, now seemed like the right time to get back behind the microphone.

So “The Jukebox Request Show” was born, It’ll include features such as the "Roll Call" after the first record (so make yourself known and I’ll give you a shout out), “Music to Wash the Pots by” at 6.30, "Gary’s 12'er" and “Something Old, Something New”, plus I’ll be playing your themed requests.

So I hope over the coming weeks we can get to know each other and share a laugh or two.
See you on Wednesday at 6pm for “Gary's Golden Oldies”.. Only on ASR (Allsounds Radio)

Gary Hedge


ASR (Allsounds Radio) support the artists and writers of all music played on the station and are licensed by PRS and PPL

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