Hey, I'm Harley
I fell in love with radio whilst listening to the Pirates. As mid teenagers, a friend and I would regularly visit the offices of radio’s Caroline, London & 390 in London to hang out, ogle the secretaries and meet an occasional DJ.

My mother had returned to her native Australia and not long after our Pirates were closed down I made my second visit and was delighted to find an abundance of pop stations in Sydney and once again began to hang out at the studios of my favourite Aussie stations.

At the age of 21 I was on a working holiday back in Oz when I was invited onto a small AM station. I have jumped behind the mic as often as I could ever since!

I love stations like ours. No station policy meetings, no playlist adherence, no bombarding the audience with endless ads or promos, and not a management memo in sight – just a bunch of people doing their best to entertain. My show "Harley's Hits, Quizzes & Stuff" airs weekdays at 11am. I like being here on ASR (Allsounds Radio)
I hope it shows.

Harley Buckner