James Harwood
Harwood's Music Club (Sunday - 6pm)
Hi, James here
Originating from Guildford Surrey , my hometown where I grew up for 25 or so years working as a porter and post room for the Royal Surrey Country Hospital.
I caught the bug for radio whilst visiting our local shopping centre on the top floor. It had our local radio station county sound with the very catchy strap line the one and
only one for you clever ! When I discovered this I spent most of my spare time hearing and watching the presenter.
I’ve been out of radio for a few years and made a decision to do radio again some way or another and stumbled across ASR (Allsounds Radio)
I hope you can join me for "Harwood's Music Club" every Sunday at 6pm .
Please send me your requests using email link above.
James Harwood..
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